Instant OpenCV Starter

Keep Calm and Read Book

Having attended several conferences and delivering talks on various platforms I had to make sure my facts were clear and right. I always believed that if you wanted to reach to your audience be as simple as possible. I co-authored a book 'Instant Open CV' wherein we shared about basic rules and principles of Open CV for the novices to begin with Open CV. The book was published by Packt Publishing.


Wearable Devices

Future of Accessorizing

Wearables is the next big leap of technology. A bit of automation and electronics can bring spectacular change in the way we live our day to day lives. From style to healthcare wearables are a one stop solution to everything. I along with some fashion designers worked on a wearable button dress, Button Masala, a clothing for women that was made without a single stich and had led set to which changed colors on hand commands. Wearables gave fashion a new meaning.


Scribble your circuits

Technology has evolved and grown, we can control the whole world with a stylus in our hands but still, there's something spectacular about having a paper and a pen to draw. Children spend 1/4th of their childhood with a paper and pencil. Through circuitricks we learnt how to make amazing things simple. Using a paper and pencil we educated more than 10,000 students on basic principles of circuits. Read More

Active Content Recognition

Television is an instrument which can paralyze us.

We watch several advertisements hammering us to buy their products, at that point of time we are even lured to buy them but by the time you reach to the shelves in the shopping malls the excitement seems to have died out. Through active content recognition I worked on a model through which the consumer could identify the product and can purchase them right away if it pleases him.